Monday 10 October 2011


So fucking disappointed with todays effort.

Nothing else to say.


Sunday 9 October 2011


Hey guys!

Well, i've been pretty slack lately on the drawing front, especially the 1 hour dailies! We are all starting again this week, to try and get back into it!

So this week's theme is all about drawing your favourite cartoon characters! o have so many ideas for a few! all 90's cartoons too (the best FUCKING kind!)

Today's comic is dedicated to my bro, who can quote pretty much the entire Tick series as well.





Sunday 18 September 2011

Sci Fi Citayyy!

Hey there guys n gals!

WEll this weeks theme is pretty cool, we are taking a picture that we find online and altering its time period. Each day has to also be from a different perspective.

So todays one was looking down, and i chose to do a city scape, all futuristic and shit!

So that was the original picture i used as a reference, and these are the two version i came out with!
 So this was my first one, but a good suggestion from Brendan to make my background darker and i came out with this:

I honestly like them both!

Anywho, peace out guys!


Thursday 15 September 2011

Jellyfish Cannon

Mic Master Mic, what you gonna draw??

(insert scratch effect)

Okay, so the goal for today was to do a non leathal weapon for weapons week! I went with a jellyfish cannon.

Prepare to get all wet and stingy.

Peace out homies and homietes


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Honey Bear

Whats up whats up whats up!

been in a shit mood all day, and i think it has transferred my pissed offness into the drawing!

I promise ill try harder tomorrow


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Yin and Yang

Hey there Ladies and Gents!

Really happy with todays pic! It's about the same weapon, but the good and evil version of it, order and chao, etc.

Hope you guys enjoy!

(in bad japanese accent) PEACUUUHHH OUTUHH BITCHES(UHHH)


Monday 12 September 2011

STOP! Hammertime!

Hey there!

I'm presuming no one actually reads this, so i'll just say one word: penis.

This took just over an hour.

